random test
This paper provides a comprehensive introduction to sampling inspection of goods knowledge, covering the definition, principles, classification, steps, advantages and disadvantages and practical applications. Detailed description of its mathematical and statistical inference based on product quality, is an important quality control means, sampling inspection, although there are risks but widely used in various industries, has an important value.
How to choose a formal third-party inspection service between online and in-house inspection?
Choose a formal third-party inspection service to ensure product quality without worry. This article is a one-stop analysis of the difference between online inspection and factory inspection, recommended good reputation third-party inspection services, provide inspection quotes and order resources, to help you easily find a professional and affordable inspection solutions.
Sina.com reports on Nie Punting, founder of the "Goods Inspection Online" platform.
Scientific quality inspection for quality, meticulous guard craftsmanship - Interview with Nie Penting, founder of the "inspection online" platform, national goods when self-improvement, quality by splendor. At present, China's manufacturing is from the internationalization of products gradually into the internationalization of enterprises, from the export of goods to the export of goods, services, technology, capital combined with the direction of change, from the price of competitive advantage to the overall competitive advantage of the transformation of the process, for the buyer and seller of the third-party inspection is particularly important. Based on...